This year I have used a LOT of different on-line videos in my class. My main purpose is to give my Elementary and Middle school aged students another perspective on the curriculum. I also want to deliver my curriculum in an interesting way, and usually the videos do a great job with their graphics and explanations.
Character Education
During the month of December my students and I talked about caring for and giving to others. I presented a video about a student who does just this. He is ALSO a student that goes to the same school as my students, K12.
During the month of January we talked about the process of recycling and upcycling. I found several videos on the topic:
During the month of February we talked about getting along with your siblings and sibling rivalry. I found a great list of kid friendly videos on PBS that was very helpful:
Sibling Rivalry
During the Month of March, we talked about how to create good luck for your self and how to perceive yourself as lucky. I presented the students with a music video for kids from YouTube about a guy who is having a "lucky day."
Most recently, during the month of April, we talked about how kids can get along with their parents better. I used the video that I found as a spring-board, since it used humor and the narration of other kids to talk about issues kids have with their parents.
MathALL of the videos from Kahn Academy have been EXTREAMLY helpful to my families who utilize them.
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